Teamwork is the Key to Your Sedation Practice

Your back office can make a huge difference in patient care. If your staff doesn’t know what to look for, you can run into some serious complications and the patient experience can be diminished. At One2One Anesthesia, we train your office to work as one cohesive group, to use the all of your advanced anesthesia tools so that they can help you identify minor issues before they become major complications. Here are some of the things they will learn in our team course:


Handling Fears & Anxiety

Many patients who require sedation dentistry do so because they have moderate to severe dental phobia. They may even be afraid of needles, have bad gag reflexes or other considerations that prevent them from getting dental work done. We will go through a list of problems and concerns that your staff will run into on a regular basis and train them how to handle each issue so that your patients are comfortable and ready to take on advanced anesthesia treatment by the time you enter the room!

Preparing for Treatment

Your team will also be instrumental in asking the right questions to prepare your patients for their sedation. They will have a list of questions that will help you eliminate concerns about the patient before proceeding with treatment.


The Operating Room Checklist

Your office staff will also need to help you set up the operating room. We will give them a list of things to check and verify before treatment starts. With a thorough examination of the room and equipment, you can relax knowing that if anything comes up the right solution will be available to you because of the preparation your team did before you began

Don't Leave Your Assistants At Home


One of the most valuable parts of any course that we offer is the assistant training we provide.  You are encouraged to bring two dental assistants with you to our courses.  We train them in record keeping and assisting for dental procedures under sedation and we teach them how to help you with airway management. In the event of an emergency, their assistance could help save a life!

Book Your C.E. Course Today

This hands-on, airway centric training in the operating room with live patients is truly unique to our facility.  We don’t know of anywhere else in the world that this type of training is available in a continuing education course.  When planning their educational experience, we find that most doctors choose a five-day initial course. Give us a call today at (818) 344-4210 or fill out our registration request form to schedule the course that best fits your needs.

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