General Anesthesia Course Description

Course description provided by Dr. Kenneth K Lee

Our courses are designed to be customized depending on your specific needs and desires. They are individualized with never more than a two to one participant to faculty ratio. For GENERAL ANESTHESIA PROVIDERS, we can create a hands on airway review course and or mini residency as your needs dictate. This is NOT a simulation course. This course is in a live patient setting.

You will spend each day in the operating rooms with myself and one or two residents in dental anesthesiology rotating from the NYU DA residency program. All of our patients will be undergoing general anesthesia for dental procedures. Typically, we have 10 patients scheduled in a day. You will absolutely be managing the airways of “LIVE” patients in a hands on approach. You will provide bag-valve-mask ventilation on at least 5 patients every day, including the triple airway maneuver, the placement of oral pharyngeal airways, nasal pharyngeal airways and LMAs on “LIVE” patients. You may also observe additional anesthesia cases being performed in the other operating rooms. For GENERAL ANESTHESIA PROVIDERS, we include the use of a plethora of video laryngoscopes. We have at least five different video laryngoscopes that you can try out and use. Whether you are looking to become familiar with just emergency intubation or even intubation as part of your daily anesthetic regimen, the experience with the different devices on live patients will be crucial and invaluable.

We will also spend time discussing monitoring, pharmacology, physical evaluation as it becomes appropriate in each case. We can discuss the use of other agents to add to your anesthetic technique should we deem that appropriate. We will utilize alfenta, sufenta, hydromorphone, meperidine and ketamine during your training. These agents will give you choices should there happen to be another fentanyl “shortage”. Additionally, we can train you in the use of infusion pumps for agents such as propofol, propofol/ketamine, propofol/remifentanil, remifentanil and dexmeditomidine. The delivery of these drugs in an infusion pump can make for a smoother anesthetic course, even for longer cases.

Finally, we can demonstrate the use of volatile anesthetics such as isoflurane and sevoflurane should you wish to add these agents into your anesthetic practice.

We can also discuss anesthesia emergencies and treatment algorithms with you. During your time with us there will most likely be some instances that we will have to treat conditions such as bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension and hypertension. Maybe even a laryngospasm or two. You will be able to treat these developments in a live patient setting.

We highly recommend that you bring your assistants that are involved in your anesthesia cases. They will learn a lot of good information and as a team, and you will be better qualified to rescue your patients should they have a compromised airway.

If you are looking only for airway experience, a two to three day course is appropriate for general anesthesia providers. If you desire to incorporate new drugs into your regimen, that requires the five day course. Throughout the week, we will have patients that will be treatment planned for general anesthesia where you will have the opportunity to utilize these agents. This allows you to be more familiar with these agents and help transition their use into your anesthetic protocol.

We offer 8 hours of CE credits per day.

Please contact our office in Tarzana, California to schedule your time with us. Please speak with Liz or Lisa. 818-344-4210